
We moved into The Lodge a year ago and have had many adventures since then!! I keep friends and family entertained with stories of semi rural life (lots of space, no neighbours and we don't have a Tesco on our doorstep!!) We share our home with 3 crazy cats (George, Henry and Gracie) and our hens (Ethel, Fluffy and Lulu). Our dream is to become as self sufficient as possible, save money and help the environment that little bit!! I hope that this blog entertains and inspires!!

Sunday 22 May 2011

Wonder Woman!!

Have arrived back at the Lodge after a week of fun and adventure!! Turned into Wonder Woman overnight and tried out rock climbing, gorge walking and swinging through the air on ropes!! The sight of me first thing on a morning and my distinctive squeals of laughter kept everyone entertained, I'm sure!!!
You would think a relaxed weekend would be in order, but oh no, plenty to do!! Toms all planted. Stu has also had much fun making/installing our timed watering system, cant let our Wedding/Holiday get in the way of another bumper crop this year!!!
Hopefully our hard work should pay off, the garden is slowly coming to life!!!